- 1Know what you're being tested on. Take all the mini assignments (worksheets, study notes, etc.) from the class your studying for and have them all at hand. Most grade school kids have their sheets all in a folder, which is a great idea. An even greater idea is color coding your folders for your classes (ex: red for math, white for writing.)
- 2Look over everything, trying to think about what might be on the test. Put stars or a mark on that information.
- 3Make a study sheet on the computer.But don't waste all your time making a worksheet. It should only take 5 minutes.
- 4Type up the questions and write the answers underneath them. You might also want to research your topic. If you'd like to use this information, the best thing to do is to print it. Once you've printed it, highlight and take note of what you've collected that might be on the test. You can either study this information, or sum it up by typing a report that includes everything that you think with be on the test.
- 5Go to a quiet place where you know you won't be distracted.
- 6Study these questions over and over again until you are sure you know them perfectly, so perfectly that you even remember the questions.
- 7Quiz yourself inside your head, going over the questions and answers over and over. Do this step everywhere, while eating, while going on the computer, before going to sleep at night.
- 8Make up a song that is going to get stuck in your head about the information. Its an easy way to know the information!
- 99. Find a method that works for you and don't let others distract or tease you over that. If that means listening to your study notes on your ipod or using goofy flash cards don't worry. You will do better in the test!
- 1010. What you should do is try this everyday, then you won't be in a hurry and you will be prepared for a pop quiz.
- 1
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